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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The beach view from the train ride last night.
  I left San Diego last night at 6pm as my dad dropped my friend Vince and me off at the train station five minutes before our train was scheduled to leave. In a theatrical race across the tracks, we made it in time to get a window seat and a view of the ocean while we headed to Anaheim. Today, my first plane takes off at 1:30 PM from LAX. At 7PM, I arrive in Mexico City and then at 9:15, I leave Mexico City for Costa Rica where I land in San Jose at 11:11 (make a wish!). Total duration: 8 hours and 40 minutes. 
            Once I arrive in Costa Rica, my friend is meeting me at the airport and we are headed to a hotel where we will spend our first night. The next morning, it is about a four hour public transportation ride to Jaco, the city where she lives. On Friday, I get to head to the River where there is a missionary group working until Sunday. I will tag along with them until they leave and then, it will be time to clear my own path.
            For all of you that asked, my address in Costa Rica is:
                                    Jaco, Puntarenas
                                    apartado postal 157-4023
                                    Costa Rica 61101
I don’t know how long it will take to actually receive mail so if it was your intention to send something, the sooner the better. I have an Aunt in Panama that says it takes about three weeks to get to her which means in order for me to actually get letters, you will have to send it sometime this week. Speaking of letters, I have a box of envelopes all addressed with your addresses on it already. They just need to be filled and stamped and then they are on their way to the United States.
            As far as packing, I have two carry-on bags. They are filled with lots of books, some cameras for documentation and clothes. Keeping it simple in order to live that way. Waking up this morning, there was a mixture of excitement and anxiety but that aside, the sun is shinning, my bags are packed, and Costa Rica had ought to get ready for me!

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