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Thursday, May 12, 2011


The hotel we stayed in last night.
     After a long plane ride and being the only white girl on it, I arrived in Costa Rica last night at 11:30 with no trouble. The Mexico City airport was massive and trying to find a gate was a litte stressful but I felt accomplished having been able to do it on my own. Today we head to Jaco which is a three hour bus ride from San Jose where we are now. The weather is beautiful; there is some tropical rain but it is very warm. Last night I met my first mosquito he became very friendly with me in my bed. It made me think of a quote I once read by the Dalai Lama. He said something like: whomever said a little thing could not make a difference, did not share a bed with a mosquito. Lesson learned mosquito, now it´s time for me to make a difference.

p.s. writing on a Costa Rican keyboard is a little tough; hang in there with me.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you made it safe and sound Brett! And you are already journaling your experiences. May the Lord continue to provide His safety while helping you to be His hands and eyes and ears ministering to all He brings to you. What an amazing journey you are on filled with opportunities. So excited for you!!! LOVE YOU! XXXXXOOOOO
