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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Grandma

The are always eager to get a hold of the camera. We were hanging out while the laundry dried!

How cute is she?

Making play dough!

They were a little unsure about what to do with the it? play with it? throw it?

Sliding for the finish?
1 John 3:17-18
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Tonight, I tried to skype my Grandma Leanie but the connection here is so terrible that it doesn’t work all that well. For today’s blog, I am writing to you Grandma because I want you to know that you are in my heart always and on my mind as I try to be a living example of love in my new friend’s lives. My Grandma took care of me when I was little and she was always an example of patience and compassion.

Grandma Leanie,
         Today I headed to the River and played with the children. We made play dough out of salt, flour, and water and used markers to dye it different colors. You had been on my mind especially today because last night the reception on the TV worked well enough to watch the whole 2 hour special of Dancing with the Stars. I was shocked because I thought the little blond was going to win but one thing that Costa Rica is continually trying to teach me is that you can never be too sure about anything.
         I have a secret stash of Oreos. There is only one store in the whole town that has them and because it is so humid here they come individually packaged. I guess that is probably good because I eat them slower. I have learned that peanut butter tastes good on everything and Oreos are no exception. Be sure to try it sometime but have some water nearby!
         When I headed back to the River at 2PM there was a big game of baseball going on. I got to be the pitcher and my team one! It was pretty exciting. Today though, I thought about the things I have taken for granted. When I gave the kids play dough they were occupied for two hours and totally happy. I remembered when I had play dough when I was little, I was never so excited about it as they were. And then even baseball, we played in rocks, with dog skeletons on the floor, and pee waiting for a rainstorm to be washed away by the river but they were happier than a lot of the kid I know at home.
         I knew I was blessed to see both worlds: one at home where I am surrounded by a loving family and a Grandma that did arts and crafts with me and went to all my silly school plays and then life here where simplicity is not a choice and happiness is really one of their only choices, but yet they are full of gratitude.          Right now the rain is pouring around me and I am sitting at an internet cafĂ©. I know Grandpa would have his camera out because you can see the thunder roll in over the ocean and it is beautiful.  A friend told me a story today about how he had to bike for twenty minutes in the rain and he had a choice to be frustrated about it or enjoy it; he chose to be happy. To me, this story was beautiful. It reminded me that everyday is a choice, and right now I am choosing to be fully happy and fully alive. It is a wonderful feeling.


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion
~Dalai Lama

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brett, We are reading your blog like a bedtime story. Matthew thinks it would be a huge drag to play baseball in the rocks he says he realizes that we ( meaning him and all his fellow baseball players)are lucky. Your inspirations are giving us the gift of perspective on our lives and how beautiful is that gift of yours to us! Thank you! I can't wait to see your book of poems and pictures.May God look upon you and bless you, Love, Auntie Kim
